Mexican Gang Massacres

I read an article recently detailing the mass killing of 43 Mexican students. The attack was allegedly orchestrated by the mayor of this Mexican city and his wife. The article described the students being handed over to the gang by the police with full knowledge that these kids were most likely going to be killed. I find this truly appalling. Not only were 43 young people killed, but they were ordered to be killed by the man the community placed their trust in. The mayor is supposed to look out for the best intentions of the community he has been put in charge of. Not allow even more violence to occur on his watch. The corruption that we read about may be the hardest part to bear. There have been stories of corruption in American politics, but nothing with the serious and violent implications like this. I mean, mostly all we hear about here is a sex scandal where a politician in office has an extramarital affair. Even though these stories are pretty disturbing in their own right, they don’t even come close to what I read about happening in Mexico. Nothing with such reckless abandon and carelessness has come to the surface, and hopefully never does. There is so much pain and violence going on in our world today, the last people we need to help orchestrate it are the people we put our trust in. Hopefully we never have to hear about this in our country because I think at that point, I would lose what little faith I actually have left in American politics.

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