Response to G-dog

I thought that the movie G-dog was really cool. We only watched a few minutes in the beginning but it is really easy to draw conclusions about G-dog himself. He treats everyone with respect no matter what their backgrounds may be or where they come from. He understands the difficulty some people experience in their lives and he doesn’t look down upon them for it. Instead, he offers them a hand up from their position. In one of my other classes, the professor asked the question, “How do we want people to act when they get released from prison?” I now have an answer for that. I want them to act like all the people working for G-dog. They are mostly convicts or former gang members but no one from the outside would be able to tell that with the way they act. This is the most effective way I’ve ever heard of when it comes to re-integrating people into society after they have been locked up. There needs to be more G-dog’s of the world. I’m very excited to watch the end of this movie and learn more about this man.

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